Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 397 - Dragon World

Chapter 397: Dragon World

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Pranav

“My seniors were correct. I never expected the moon to be so large and round in another country. Ahh! The air is so fresh! It was worth the hard work to immigrate and obtain a green card.”

However, my exclamation received no response. It would seem that this was a downside of being in another world. Nobody understood my jokes from Earth.

[What generation do you think it is, still making jokes about immigration? Do you love exposing how old you are that much? System Notification: 5 Justice Points have been deducted for the commenting service. Thank you very much!]

“Alright, at least someone paid attention to me. My joke didn’t completely fall flat.”

But what I said was the truth. The moment I crossed through the Dimensional Door, my first impression was of the beauty of the light blue sky along with the giant moons that seemed to be right above me, giving off a great sensation of pressure.

“Yep, yep, such big and round moons. There are actually three moons here.”

There was a blood-red moon surrounded by similarly blood-colored magical storms. Currant-colored satellites orbited them, and streaking behind them were ominous comet tails. The crimson moonlight seemed to possess a magical power. Simply looking at it seemed to make one feel frustrated.

“You have excellent luck. Only on less than thirty days a year does one get to see three moons together. That’s the blood moon, Deemo. He only appears during the last few days of the month. When Deemo appears, beasts run rampant. Beast stampedes and Berserk Dragon Sickness become common. While beast stampedes are nothing more than a small annoyance to the dragons, Berserk Dragon Sickness is troublesome. This disease can cause dragons in poor condition to go berserk. That’s why we won’t allow any injured or young dragons to be exposed to Deemo’s moonlight. If treatment isn’t received immediately, the berserk condition will typically last for about half a month.”

It was nice to have a narrator nearby explaining everything. It would have been better, however, if she didn’t keep staring curiously at me. After all, a Copper Dragon’s endless curiosity could be annoying when you were trying to conceal something.

Next to the blood-red moon were two smaller round moons. One was white, while the other was earth yellow. Their glows seemed to be suppressed by the blood moon.

“The white moon is the holy moon Wendiya. She typically appears right after the blood moon. In the natives’ legends, these two moons are Moon Gods eternally at war with each other. Their simultaneous appearance represents the beginning of a new month. Since the blood moon still has the advantage, there should be another two days until the end of the month.”

“There are natives living here? It would seem that the information you gave me about the Dragon World is incomplete. Forget it. What’s that earth-yellow one?”

“Heehee! Aren’t I telling you now? The yellow one? That’s the warrior moon Abo. He’s supposed to be a Warrior God that the natives worship. He doesn’t have any special abilities, but it’s said that when Abo appears, the natives will feel like it’s a season for war... Since we see the blood moon and the warrior moon together, some place in the Dragon World must be in the midst of a raging conflict.”

“The months must far exceed twelve here. There are so many moons; how do you even calculate your calendar?”

Copper Dragon Evelyn shrugged. Apparently, she felt that this was a rather boring topic.

“I don’t know how it’s calculated, either. There are six moons here, with twenty-three months in a year and seven seasons. Each month also has a different number of days. Only the Scroll Dragons like to study about this topic. They’ll always give out warnings when it’s an incredibly important or dangerous time.”

I knew about the Scroll Dragon species. They were a rare species of dragon and were nicknamed Museum Dragons. Naturally inclined towards gathering and researching all sorts of knowledge, these wise and conservative dragons had excellent relationships with the saints and mages. It was even rumored that one archmage in the Truth Symposium was the astral projection of a Scroll Dragon.

But what I paid more attention to was the vigilance evident in Copper Dragon Evelyn’s tone. The dragons seemed to be on guard against something.

“Dangerous time? Even for the dragons?”

“Yes, you should be able to detect it as well. The Elemental Tide’s density here is very high.”

I nodded in understanding. The moment I entered this place, I felt as if my body became lighter. My senses for ice, water, death, and such elements became strengthened. In fact, I felt as if I could change rain into ice with a single thought... which was why I said I felt the air here was so fresh. It was unfortunate, however, that not a single person here had understood my jokes and had commented on them.

“Silly cat, you feeling better yet?”

“Shut up. I’m not your commenting slave.”

Ever since I’d called her my comic partner, she sunk into a period of self-loathing and refused to comment on anything I said or did.

“I’m the last princess of the Gold Elves, the undying Banshee Queen, and a future Undead Emperor. How can I possibly be a joke character!? Never! Never! I, Gold Elf Harloys, will never be a comic!”

Alright, let’s not mention how a black cat with a serious expression, raising her paw while making this proclamation, made the perfect comedy scene. Still, it was quite rare for her to be depressed for such a long period of time. It would seem that calling her my “comic partner” had given her a great impact.

At least, on our way here, I kept trying to joke around and make her comment, but she only ignored me. Even if I pulled on her tail, she still remained silent.

“...Wait a moment, let me quietly think for a while. The magic power of moonlight! The Elemental Tide’s density here is insane! Amazing!”

The silly cat suddenly became lively. Apparently, she hadn’t been so silent because of depression. It was actually that a new round of research fervor had gripped her.

It was quite normal for her to be excited. A high Elemental Tide density world like this was just like a fantasy world one could read about in knight stories. Cultivating and leveling up would become much easier. There would be fewer restrictions and greater power for top-level individuals. Just this alone was worth the trip.

“Perhaps this is a prologue to the future. It’s nice to be able to play the beta test before the server formally opens up.”

Eich’s Elemental Tide density was constantly increasing as well. Being able to experience the natural laws of a world with higher Elemental Tide density would of course serve a great advantage. Besides...

“This is a beta test where our save files won’t be deleted. Such a great deal.”

Behind me was my large scale army setting up their camp. The engineers were obtaining environmental data and testing if their sensory equipment worked as normal. The warriors were testing the effect of the twenty-percent increase in gravity this world had. I also saw a mage testing his fireball magic, and then being startled at how his fireball was twice as large as normal.

They were going to live and reside in the Dragon World plane. Of course, many of them would successfully level up, naturally allowing them to surpass others in Eich. This was the foundational reason why I had been so determined to take as many of my forces as I could here. Since I had such a rare chance, rather than just having my few direct subordinates benefit, why not have as many people on my side benefit as possible instead?

Despite the fact that the dragons knew they would soon have a difficult and fierce battle against the Titan Giants, the dragons still tried their best to protect the Dragon World. This was in a way the best evidence of this world’s value. I refused to believe what the dragons said in the information that they gave me about how they didn’t want to give this place up simply because it would help young dragons mature faster.

Of course, I wouldn’t express my doubt directly to their faces. Besides, it was simple enough to tell some things right after arriving as certain phenomena would be impossible to hide. For instance, the Elemental Tide’s density was quite obvious and impossible to conceal. At least on the surface, it was still necessary for me to pretend to completely trust the dragons.

“The Elemental Tide’s density is just as high as what your information told me. You said that some time periods will be dangerous. Does this mean that the dragons aren’t the only masters of this plane?”

Although the information I received didn’t mention anything, it would be normal to expect that other residents lived in this world. After all, so many dragons lived here, and dragons were pure carnivores famous for ravenous appetites. They would need a tremendous amount of territory to provide enough meat for them.

Plus, all the dragons were adamant about their own territories, and plenty of dragons would have bloody conflicts with each other all over the sake of territory. Some even became mortal enemies, such as the Blue Dragons and Copper Dragons that both loved desert environments, the Red Dragons and Silver Dragons that both loved volcanic environments, or the Crystal Dragons and White Dragons that both loved icy environments. Of course, this was also related to the fact that Color Dragons and Metal Dragons naturally viewed each other with enmity.

Dragons were meat eaters. That was why I felt that even though the information they gave me didn’t mention a single word about other residents, there would actually be countless residents here that probably even hated the dragons. Back in the immemorial generation, dragons hunted as they pleased, making most sentient creatures in Eich have zero good feelings towards these aggressive flying lizards. Plenty of intelligent species would organize dragon slaughters.

“...That’s not quite the correct way to put it. This world is huge, and it’s impossible for us to rule over its entirety. For instance, some will take advantage of the blood moon and attack dragons caught alone and force that dragon into Berserk Dragon Sickness. We dragons also need to obediently stay in our nests whenever the black moon is out. Luckily, the black moon is only out for two or three days in a year.”

“Hehehe! Today’s the blood moon, so perhaps some dragons will be suffering misfortune today? ...no way! It really came true!?”

I raised my head to look at the sky and just happened to see a White Dragon being chased in the air by a group of winged tiger-headed species. These Tigermen were riding wyverns, a species of SemiDragons with physical rather than magical wings, as their aerial steeds.

Because I jinxed things yet again, everyone, especially Evelyn, glared at me. And so I obediently lowered my head and stayed silent.

“I think I need to learn how to shut up.”

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